All Communication Features

Communication / Features in Depth


Direct Messaging

Enabling direct communication between individuals, 1-to-1 messaging fosters personal connections and focused conversations. It provides a private space for dialogue, ensuring that messages are delivered and received with clarity.

Custom Group Messaging

Empowering users to create tailored group chats, group messaging allows for the formation of specialized communication channels. It caters to specific topics or teams, ensuring that conversations are relevant and engaging.

Broadcast Messaging

Offering a balance between group and individual communication, like email BCC for chat, broadcasts allow for the dissemination of information to multiple recipients while ensuring follow-up conversations are kept private.

Photos, Video, GIFs & Attachments

Enriching conversations with visual content, rich-media messages allow users to share more engaging messages. From photos to videos to GIFs, it adds depth and context to messages, enhancing the overall communication experience

Voice Memos

Adding a personal touch to digital communication, voice memos bring the warmth of human voice to the chat. Voice messages enhance conversations with the nuance of spoken word, allowing for clearer and more expressive communication.

Message Management

Automagic Group Messaging

Simplifying the process of group communication, relevant members are automatically included in chat groups based on location and team, ensuring that no one is left out of the loop.

Chat Moderation

Maintaining the integrity of digital spaces, flagging arms moderators with tools to oversee conversations and stops group chats from becoming anarchy. Flagged messages can be moderated and are hidden from view until resolved.

Availability & Away Settings

Offering users control over their online presence, away settings facilitate clear communication boundaries. It allows for the customization notifications based on criticality, ensuring that time away is respected and understood.

Read Receipts

Enhancing message accountability, read receipts provide transparency in communication. Users can see when their messages are delivered and read, fostering a culture of prompt replies and engaged conversation.

Engagement & Feedback


Whether multiple-choice, A/B options, or rating, polls add an interactive element to decision-making in bulletins and chat, allowing groups to vote on various topics. For sensitive topics, polls can be anonymous, ensuring honest feedback.


Dedicated to marking special occasions, Prospr helps users celebrate achievements, birthdays and milestones together. Team members can send virtual high-fives, birthday cakes, and other celebratory stickers to show appreciation.

Shift Surveys

Tailored to the needs of shift-based teams, pre-shift surveys provide a tool to collect critical information from health certifications, to weekly goals. Surveys can be served before every shift, or in custom intervals, like once a day, week or month.


Rich-Media Announcements

Elevating traditional announcement boards, this digital feed allows for the inclusion of multimedia content, polls and rich-text content. It serves as a central hub for important notices, engaging employees with visually rich information.

Seen & Acknowledged

Seen and read confirmations allow employees to acknowledge the receipt of important information. It ensures that bulletins are received and understood, providing a secure and efficient method of communication.


Search provides quick access to past bulletins, ensuring that information is easily retrievable. Users can search for specific topics or keywords, making it effortless to find relevant announcements.

Hot Off The Press

Keeps both pinned bulletins and those requiring read-receipts at the top of the feed, ensuring that critical information remains visible and easily accessible. It guides users' attention to key announcements, enhancing the effectiveness of communication.

Importing & Sharing

Enabling the sharing of bulletins across linked workspaces, bulletins can be imported from HQ and shared across multiple workspaces. It ensures consistency in communication and alignment across different teams.


Targeted bulletins allow for the delivery of specific messages to selected groups based on location and role. It ensures that information is relevant and tailored to the audience, enhancing the effectiveness of communication.

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